Ruby, Rails & Hotwire Articles

Level up your Rails skills with in-depth articles for developers. Practical tips, best practices, and real-world examples.

How to use SOPs to write perfect prompts

Writing clear prompts is important for getting good results from AI tools. Whether you use AI for writing, coding, or legal work, success depends on clear communication. Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) help turn vague prompts into clear instr...

Streaming Chat GPT with Rails + Hotwire

In the [previous video](, we set up a chat service to access ChatGPT and return responses. Now, we're taking ...

Pete H. Pete Hawkins

Chat GPT basics with Ruby on Rails

In today's lesson, we will explore building AI-powered chat applications using Ruby and the OpenAI Gem. We'll build a Chat GPT chatbot that pretends to be Jean-Luc Picard. Engag...

Pete H. Pete Hawkins

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